
How Was My 2019?

January 23, 2020

Assalamualaikum, hello everybody :)
Happy New Year and Happy Chinese New Year!
Its been 3 months since my last update on this blog haha.

I was checking on my own blog posts and I saw back my post. It was 
How Was My 2018? ] If you have not read that one yet, check it out first! by clicking on it! so I think I should be doing that again for last year! but when I read that post.. it was so much fun than my 2019 haha but it's okay, im just going to write how it was! my 2019.

Lets recap the best ones.

February - Went holiday with my family at Langkawi and it was wonderful ♡


I didn't try many new things like I did in 2018 but everything was worth it.
I baked Pavlova for the first time and it turned out way better than I expected haha.

Don't judge a book by its cover :P

I went to my sister's convocation ceremony, she finished her diploma with ANC award. The first one in the family who had a convocation. our first family picture like this! couldn't be more proud. my turn? long way to go!

Lots of love gituw

Last December I went to Majlis Pelancaran Siswi Pandu Puteri as the audience and guess what, we got to meet Raja Permaisuri Agong! and that was my first time seeing her real life. close-up! so blessed

Best day

a very humble person

Went to Fun Run after 2 years not going! it was really fun. 5KM around Putrajaya botanical garden. I took many pictures but I didn't have the medal picture! haha, my bad. It was beautiful!! #SparkleRun

The one that I can conclude in my 2019, for the first time, I went to see and feed the homeless in Kuala Lumpur. Followed my father. But im just the observer though. It was an experience I would not forget :) Mixed feelings.. there were many kids.. ramai tidur dekat kaki kedai? depan kedai tu beralaskan kotak.. there were doctors to checked on them, clown to entertain the kids, overall, I don't know but it saddens me. It made me feel insaf and grateful for everything I have right now. 
Semoga allah permudahkan urusan mereka. Amin.

There was this moment, they were giving the kids a piece of cake each, there's this little boy ran after he got his cake and it fell right in front of me! I told him to take a new one but he ran away somewhere! huhuhu I told my friend about it and she said maybe budak tu takut tengok my face HAHA.

mashallah adik2 ni sume comel2

Lastly, all I want to say is... I SURVIVED  2019

How about you? 
Do you mind sharing what you have achieved last year?
What's the new thing you tried?
Tell me about it ♡

Hopefully, 2020 brings more joy to each of you. Amin.
Doakan Sya cemerlang SPM!


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  1. Beeha suka pavlova! Lagi banyak buah lagi best and nampak cantik warna warni. ^^

    1. yes i love it too! haha yess..time tu sya ada buah kiwi je hahhah so dapat letak tu je XD

  2. I dont think 2019 is a good year for me. maybe this year will be better. Insyaallah.

  3. Heee I survived my 2019 too!! Alhamdulillah... :D and Wow yours is great!! ;)

  4. Alhamdulillah for 2019. Hopefully we all can create more memories in 2020 :)

  5. moga tahun 2020 lebih banyak kenangan manis tercipta

  6. may 2020 be a better year for all of us. aamiin

  7. saya tak recap lagi what happened on 2019 hehe btw happy new year :D

    1. jom recap jugak! sya nak baca hehe <3 happy new year too!

  8. Wahhh majlis pelancaran pandu puteriii... It was in UPM kan? I'm a UPM student btw ^^ Well, as for my 2019, it was okay I guess. Not my best year yet but not the worst either. It was a very calm year to say the least. At least the second half of the year was... I hope this year would be better and more exciting ^^

    1. haha yes! dekat UPM! waah i see, were u there too? XD awwh thats good to hear it wasnt the worst hehe. Last year its kinda calm year for me too XD.. hopefully! amin :)

  9. I got to say the moment you feed the homeless was among the best TT

    1. It was! i couldnt even describe the feelings about the journey.. im just grateful that i did participated in it :)

  10. Replies
    1. Yeaay! Hopefully 2020 will be the best for you :D

  11. Even you sorok muka pun I tau that you're a cute gurl. Hehe. May 2020 will be the best and meaningful year for us. Good luck SPM!! Study elok II tau. Love you. <3

    1. hahaha are u sure? hhshs tapi rasanya bukan izzati dah pernah ke tengok muka syasya? haha..amin..hopefully 2020 will be the best year for us! thank youuu <3 luv u too!

    2. Hehe.. That's why I said that. You're pretty. Hehe. <3

  12. semoga berjaya dalam SPM ya..

  13. My 2019, yup..i am doing great,met new friends,new lectures..new environment..new crush..opss!😂

    I think i need to find real boyfriend la..kekeke..i am gettin old u know...pray for me..hee

    1. waaah hahah your 2019 seems fun!! wah new crush!heheh semoga sis jumpa jodoh cepat! hehe aminn <3

  14. Semoga 2020 lebih baik dari 2019

  15. good luck for your SPM! may you have a great 2020 ahead :)


  16. sudah memasuki pertengahan tahun yang sempurna

    1. haha betul tu, harapnya keadaan akan bertambah baik
