Places I Would Like To Visit
October 12, 2019
Assalamualaikum, hi
I just realized that every time I will update my blog mostly when I have finish my exam haha and yeah, I just finished my final exams..exam akhir Tahun. I messed up badly haha but it's okay it's over. Do you guys realize that in two months, we will be already in 2020? How does that make you feel?
I could not find a topic to write because I just don't know where to start lol.
There are so many things I want to share on my blog but i just don't know...
I googled "30 days blogging challenge" and picked a topic so here it goes!
I think everyone must have a place/country they want to visit once in a lifetime right?
So do I.
1. Korea
I really want to go to Korea! I mean I think Korea has influence Malaysian so much that I think everyone whos into kpop and watches Korean entertainment and variety shows or fantasize about Korea would want to travel to Korea! and that includes me. Hehe. Aaaaaa then their food! I watched too much Korean food variety shows that I feel like I want to try all of them.
2. Japan
Nak pergi Jepun!! sebab Jepun maju!! pastu technology dia semua gempak. Nak gi Tokyo! Jepun lawaaaa, nak tengok bunga sakura! Suddenly I remembered I saw this pic of longkang dekat Jepun yang bersih dia sampai ikan hidup dalam longkang tu hahahaha.
pastuuu jepun punya sushi macam mana?? nak rasa. Udon, soba, mochi!
Talking about Japan, on 28th August, my school had a program called "Program Pertukaran Budaya" [It happens every year] where students from Japan come to my school and we did many activities to share with them about Malaysian Cultures. Only form 4 takes part and I was one of the chosen ones!
It was only a half-day program but I made a new friend from Japan and that's the coolest thing ever. It was so fun, everyone had a pair and we called them "buddy"
My buddy's name is Aoi and shes super kawaii and shy too. She's 15 years old.
there were 40 japan students and paired with each of us! most of them were 15 or 16 years old. Oh, the funny thing was most of them were using iPhones tau haha. Diorang keluarkan handphone nak selfie sekali iPhone X siot. Nervous haha.
Everyone has to prepare a gift for their buddy, like exchange gifts! we have to buy something that represents Malaysia or souvenir for them. I gave her a KLCC t-shirt, postcards, and a bracelet! While she, im so speechless haha, she gave me a freaking cute dish corak cherry blossom! dahla kaca, she wrapped it with bubble wraps. then she gave me a soap shaped Fuji mountain haha she explained to me about it, a cute handkerchief and a set of sticker. That was so kind of her! and ada lagi gempak, my friend's buddy bagi dia Nike sack bag tau that would be expensive in Malaysia! haha.
Anyway, it was a memorable memory ♡
and here some of the pictures!
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Saya dan Aoi Iwatsubo |
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Im wearing baju kurung Kedah that day hehe |
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We cute |
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Makan makan :) |
3. Paris
People said Paris is overrated and I've read a lot of crimes such as pickpocket happen in Paris but its a dream of mine visiting the Eiffel tower! once in a lifetime pon jadilah! huarrgh it's so beautiful. I even have a poster of Eiffel tower in my room haha.
4. Mekah
Alhamdulillah, I have a chance to go there with my family and did Umrah for the first time in 2016 which when I was 13 years old. I just wish and pray that it is not going to be the first and the last time im visiting Kaaba. Amin. I could not describe the feeling of being in front of the Kaaba and the whole experience. :') and the first time I did solat jumaat in Masjid an-Nabawi in Madinah.
Those are the four-place I want to visit one day!!
Can't wait to go back to this post one day and say "I have been there!!" hehe
Do you have places you want to visit?
Tell me about it and why!
I would love to know hehe ♡
Wow, wow.. Hampir serupa wishlist place kita tapi tak sama. Semoga dapat pergi satu hari. Impian percutian semua orang, iaitu menziarahi rumah Allah. ^^
ReplyDeletehahaha ye kee.. amin! :)
DeleteAlhamdulillah my first independent trip was going to Korea, and I do have other places in my mind that I really wanted to visit and explore it with my own eyes.
ReplyDeleteEurope by train. Road-tripping across USA by car, and perhaps Italy preferably by car because I want to have full experience but that's a just one of my dreams that I know I will never get to have. hahaha
And of course the Holy Land with my entire family for once.
omg independant trip to korea? bestnyaa..
Deletethat is so specific!! seems really coool..who knows it will happen?? may allah ease everything! In Sha Allah mana tau its going too happen anytime soon sis <3
saya pun independant trip ke Korea. It's possible! Cuma pastikan tahu cara baca peta public transport and do a lot of research before going. Insya Allah semoga berjaya! :) Saya doakan awak sampai sana satu hari nanti!!
DeleteOMG sama! The most I always wanted to go is Makkah, then Japan. Not to forget, Parissss!
ReplyDeleteOMG YES! HAHA RASANYA SEMUA TEMPAT SYA TULIS NI semua malaysians nak pergi ahahah
DeleteGosh, when I was your age, dapat naik airplane pun dah seronok betul, x kisah parents nak bawa ke mana, hihihi. Nowadays, taking a flight is so easy & affordable so no place is impossible. May u get to visit all your dream places dear. :D
ReplyDeleteHaha kan, sya pun grateful sebab dapat travel jugak! Thank you! <3
DeleteAlhamdulilah moga berjaya mencapai cita-citanya..
ReplyDeleteSis dalam wishlist memang nak sangat pergi day..
Tapi kalau travel, nak pergi Jepun, sebab dah dua kali pergi Korea..
Moga apa yang kamu impikan akan tercapai ya..
in sha allah sis dapat pergi Mekah nanti!! wah bestnyaa asyik gi korea! sya teringin sangat nak sampai korea hahah
DeleteTalking about dream place , i have so many place in my mind but its depends on my pocket , tebal ke tak . Hahahhaha . Bestnyaa umur belas2 dah naik plane. Saya umur 23 baru merasa naik plane , itu pun guna duit sendiri n worth it i guess . Saya teringin sangat nak pergi mekah , satu masa tu sampai menangis rasa nak pergi sana sangat2 . I hope one day saya akan sampai sana juga sebelum tutup mata . Doakan saya supaya always dimurahkan rezeki . :)
ReplyDeletewah bila naik plane guna duit sendiri mesti rasa dia lain..puas hati and proud kan? sya doakan kak suhana dapat sampai mekah ya!!!! amin! <3
Deletejapan best. kene pergi. Hope one day, i also want go to Korea.
ReplyDeletehopefully boleh sampai sana one day! :D
DeleteSamalah, akak pun kalau boleh nk jejakkan kaki buat umrah, lps tu nk pergi jln2 kat korea dan jepun..
ReplyDeletekaaann! korea jepun aaaah impian :D
Deletewe have a same wishlist and also, I want to visit Indonesia. It's beautiful with kawah ijen and also the scenery there really caught my attention!! don't forget also about New zealand and Indiaa!! 😍
ReplyDeleteyeayyy! oh i have been to indonesia and its wonderful!! omg new zealand! yess definitely wanto to go there tooo! yes yes india too! i just knew that india is not really far from malaysia! i thought it takes more than 8 hours to go to india haha
Deletewaa... place I want to go since my childhood is Japan..
ReplyDeleteSbb terlalu minat tgok anime, budaya and everything about Japan, so I decided to take Japanese Language in Ums.. Masa internship sy juga ada berkenalan dgn student from Korea.. best dapat mengenali budaya & bahasa dr Negara lain.. I hope your dream to visit the places will come true ^^
woah hebatnyaaa sampai ambil japanese language >< course in U.. yes its really fun to learn about new language and their culture. its interesting :D.. thank you! amin
DeleteBerangan jalan2 luar negara pun dah best dah, apatah lagi bila dapat pergi betul-betul.
ReplyDeletetau takpe!!
DeleteBestnya dah pernah buat Umrah ^^ U such a lucky!!
Btw,I don't really have a specific place that I dream to visit.But I have that desire to travel around the world... hehehehe :D
Alhamdulillah, thank you :D
Deletei know right!! we just want to travel anywhere but around thw world! i feel the same way too hehe <3
akak teringin nak sampai ke Mekah, suami dah pernah ke sana 5 tahun dulu
ReplyDeleteinsha'Allah Ada rezeki nanti..Sya doakan! Amin
Deletewow.. talking about places I wanna go are:
ReplyDelete1. Langkawi
2. Pulau Perhentian
3. visiting Pahang
hahahaha. might be fun pergi local places je for me. cause its cheaper and tak banyak habis masa kat waktu perjalanan. hihih <3
I know right! It is!! Honestly travel Dalam Malaysia cam lagi best jee and senang xD wah pulau perhentian tak pernah pergi lagi and Pahang kampung saya tu hahah
Deletepaling teringin nk ke Mekah.. ala napa tutup muka tu. btw semoga dpt result yg cemerlang
ReplyDeleteinshaallah nanti ada rezeki sis <3 haha malu laa..thank you! amin
DeleteAlhamdulillah i've been to korean and japan. it was beautiful. i hope you can go there someday too. semoga tercapai semua hajat tu. aamiin. I wish I can go to makkah too someday. in shaa Allah.
ReplyDeleteOh haaah sya pernah baca post kak Ray ada rasanyaaa! Hopefully amin! <3
Deletewahhh you remember. thank you darling.
DeleteInshaAlah boleh pergi one day! I dulu duduk Jepun memang mostly pakai iphone bukan sebab kaya tapi sebab kat sini beli contract + phone so takde beza sangat harga iphone ke samsung ke.
ReplyDeleteI kinda keep update with your blog post heheh.. skrg kak Rasya dah kerja dekat Malaysia je kaan? Ooh patutlahh..macamtu rupanyaaaa xD
DeleteAmin <3 I kinda keep update with your blog post hehe skrg kak Rasya kerja kat Malaysia je kaan?.. ooh macamtuu rupanyaa xD thanks for the clarification!
DeleteJom kita pegi Mekah dulu...
DeleteI really want to go just anywhere, I don't mind the place sebab I have never been to any place outside Malaysia and dalam Malaysia pun tak habis lagi.. xD
ReplyDeleteAwwwh anywhere? xD I would love to go anywhere tooo hahah..
DeleteI wish to go to Paris, Korea and Japan too!
ReplyDeleteyeay sameeee <3 hopefully one day!
DeleteSemoga impian menjadi kenyataan, aminn
ReplyDeleteamin, terima kasih! :D
DeleteSaya pernah pergi Korea, Paris dan Mekah! Alhamdulillah, jemputlah baca post saya hehee tapi kan, untuk Paris, kena hati hati sangat sangat tau!! Terlampau lampau byk pick pocket dan scammer. Hampir semua senior saya yang pergi ada pengalaman kena scam huhu.. Masa saya pergi pun, byk cubaan scamlah, alhamdullilah Allah jaga kami T.T
ReplyDeletewah untungnya sis!! hehe alright,sya baca! haah dengar memang normal kes scammer kat situ, haih takut betul, even kawan sya yang dah pergi paris pun kata benda sama :( alhamdulillah, takde benda buruk jadii :)
ReplyDeleteJika Anda seorang pebisnis / wanita atau pegawai pemerintah, dan Anda ingin mandiri secara finansial dan mengembangkan bisnis Anda, inilah kesempatan Anda, kami menyediakan semua jenis pinjaman jangka panjang dan pendek, proses kami sangat sederhana dan mudah semua. dapat melamar, Anda tidak boleh terus menjadi tanggung jawab keuangan kepada siapa pun, hari ini Anda dapat memutuskan untuk memiliki kebebasan finansial Anda sendiri dan kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga Anda, kami sangat bersedia memberikan pinjaman pilihan Anda, terlepas dari jumlah yang Anda butuhkan, kami akan menyediakannya untuk Anda. Jangan duduk diam melihat orang lain membuat kemajuan finansial, jika Anda ingin pinjaman ditambahkan ke modal Anda atau memulai bisnis Anda sendiri, ini adalah kesempatan Anda untuk menghubungi kami hari ini.
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