
The end of my high school journey.

March 29, 2021


Assalamualaikum, hello everyone.

how have you been? It's been so long since I was on the blog, probably all of my audience is gone by now, and forget my blog existence isn't it? if you didn't forget about me please comment down below! hahaha. I also did archive all of my writings though. Im so sorry for not actively writing but I do come here once in a while...

This year, 2021,

I will be 18 years old.

Time flies so fast, I felt quite sad because I'm growing up and going to be an adult. I just finished my SPM on 25/3. That was my last day of school. No more baju kurung. Yes, we're batch spm pro max tu! 

who did expect we will take our spm at the age of 18? not me! haha.

In this post, I would like to write a conclusion or recap what I can say about my high school journey.

Enjoy reading...

5 years of high school, was it memorable? I would say definitely. It made me who I am today. 

It's not about what I just learned but I think it's the friends that I have in high school that made my life as a high school student better. The memories, ups, and downs. 

But sadly, last year, where I supposed to be having the best year of my life, my last year as a form 5 student or so-called senior year they said, didn't turn out to be how it was supposed to be. 

All the things we imagined when we were15 like graduations, the last Raya celebration, hanging out with friends, more school events didn't happen because of the pandemic we're having. oh, not to mention, we just go to school for the first few months only and spent most of the time at home because of the lockdown.

no, im not blaming the situation or anything! even so, these things happened, there were that better things that happened such as I get to spend more time with my whole family, puasa together, solat terawih together. it was such a blessing in disguise.

so we were doing that online learning for few months and no it's not easy, I've heard so many people struggled to keep  balance between online class and house chores. and those who find it hard to study at home and also those who have family issues. 

what a struggling year for everyone.

and then, the school opened!

I met my friends and everything went so fast, all I could remember was the next week is spm.

really, I don't think I have many memories of last year with my friends. 

it's okay I guess, but when we came back to school, I made many memories with my friends.

form 4 and form 5 I think would be the best year because my classmates are something else. hahaha. 

I became close to people I have never thought I would be close to. all the struggles for spm we had back then. My friend's struggles. I'm so happy it is finally over now. 

I hope I will get good results and make my parents and everyone proud of me.

I hope you can pray for me as well. Thank you!

I wanted to thank my friends who help me go through this pandemic, who has been there for me. I'm really glad to have them in my life and I made new friends too during the pandemic. Mi, the person who I've never met but we're comfortable talking on the phone. haha. That's the coolest thing I did. and there's Fatin, the nicest Selangor gal who helps me a lot with my studies. <3

now, it's the end of my high school journey. 

I'm going to open a new chapter in my life where I will meet new people, I will be in a new surrounding. and adulting? Im scared. 

at the same time, I'm excited to see what's going to come for me. 

May Allah ease everything. 

I want to end this post with a letter to my friends :

Choosing this school was not my decision and I always complained to someone that I wanted to move high school but hey I've officially finished 5 freaking years in here. and walking home every day for 5 years with my friends. isn't that cool. haha. I would cherish every memory that I have in here as long as I can remember it! (I have short-term memory lol), the pranks I did, the games we played, the silly arguments I had with you. the heartbreaks? haha kidding. They said high school friends will be the most special people in your life. I think it is true. my friends here would always have a special place in my heart. Ceh. 

I hope everyone will have brighter days ahead,

Now everyone has their own path and I wish nothing but the best for my friends, I hope you will achieve your dreams. 

enjoy the process and I hope we can meet again one day.

it's sad that high school won't last forever no matter how much I want it.

and I'm so thrilled to see my friend's life updates and keep in touch with everyone. InsyaAllah.

Let's close the final chapter of a good book and open a new one.

QOTD: How were your feelings when you just finished high school?

I would love to know!!


Syasya ♡

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  1. Definitely secondary school is one of the best memories in our life. I hope that your journey to university will be eased.

    1. Right! i feel the same way too. Thank you!! aamiin

  2. Well done dear. Alhamdulillah syukur. May Allah ease everything for you no matter what you pursue. Enjoy every process of it.

  3. semoga di permudahkan untuk sambung belajar ya.... lepas SPM banyak lagi cabaran menanti dik, banyak kenangan manis yang kita ingin untuk ulang kembali bila dah tua macam akak ni, rindu zaman sekolah

    1. thank you kak norhidana!! tulah nanti sya rasa mesti rindu gilaaa kenangan time sekolah menengah ni huhu

  4. Hope things will get better for your, and for all of us , insya Allah :)

    On your question, I felt bittersweet once my high school time ended. At one end, I was truly relieved that I no longer have to study all these science subjects but on the other end, I felt so sad to say good bye to my friends and teachers.

    1. Hope things will get better insyaAllah!!
      awwh i felt the same waay too!! sad :( after a few months now, i already missed my friends and teachers T_T

  5. First, congrats sebab dah habis exam. Harap dapat sambung study dalam bidang yang awak minat dan dapat kerja yang best-best. Gituuu

    Ingat tau, zaman sekolah la zaman paling paling paling best sekali, bagi saya lah... Gurau senda, study, dan gaduh dengan kawan-kawan, kena marah dengan cikgu semua semua tu kenangan, start dari form 1 sampailah form 5, sampai sekarang rindu lagi zaman sekolah tau.

    The last one, rindu tau nak baca blog ni so please keep blogging, I love you

    1. AAA THANK UUU kak mija!! alhamdulillah sya dah sambung belajar dalam bidang yang sya minat :) hahah betul, bila dah habis sekolah sambung belajar, rasa nak masuk sekolah balik!! huhuhu. awwh thank you so much, tak sangka ada orang ingat blog ni lagi!! i appreciate this so much. insyaallah sya update blog ni juga!

  6. Alhamdulillah...good luck

  7. All the best in whatever you wanna do later ok! :)

  8. Alhamdulillah.. Tahniah sebab dah selesai peperiksaan..
    Semoga di permudahkan urusan untuk sambung belajar..
