Assalamualaikum my dear blogger friends. How are you? I am well and fine Alhamdulillah. As you guys know I have officially finished my diploma journey and became a diploma holder, something that I still feel surreal until now, feeling so proud and blessed that I made this far. Fast forward 2 months after I ended my diploma studies, I managed to secure a place at UUM to continue my degree journey at the age of 20 years old! Alhamdulillah. It was my second choice in UPU. It is written for me to be studying here at the end haha. Now it's already the 4th week. I am still adapting to this new student life, it is way way more different. Sya rasa kecik sangat dan kerdil bila tengok semua orang, sebab masa diploma sya belajar kolej kecik je, tak ramai orang pun. I am scared. Bagi Sya, going to get this degree is like the "REAL" thing. macam rasa dah besar sangat, not saying diploma was easy and just not IT tapi vibes dia rasa beza sangat. rasa macam kalini sya memang kena study betul-betul, sebab after this, I will become an adult and start my working life sampai tua. That's what made me think that I just really need to do my best and create as many memories here.
I want to be someone who is capable of doing everything and I want to grow so much as a person, to be the best version of myself. But that's not happening now haha. It's true I think. Some people say that the degree journey is very lonely. I already feel that!! Sya rasa alone dekat sini, oh bukan tu je, Sintok Kedah ni dekat hujung dunia, sebelah Thailand dah. Cuba teka Sya orang mana? Selangor gais hahahah. nak balik pun kena fikir 2-3 kali dulu tarikhnya bila boleh balik. I've now adapted to life where I go to class alone, buy lunch alone, and do everything alone so far, sebab entahlah memang gerak solo. Kawan tu ada sikit-sikit and still have not found the ones that I can really vibe with, but Alhamdulillah, I have met really good people here, including my dear roommate! so far Sya rapat lah dengan rumet. I have a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to it. Living 6 hours away from family is not easy so I always videocall with them. Dah homesick ke belum? mestilah dah and I cried huuwaa.
About this university that I'm currently studying at, I'm so amazed at all of the facilities they have, kalau korang dengar pasal UUM apa yang korang terdetik dulu? mestilah uni yang dekat hutan kan? and it is indeed so true. Sumpah hutan, serious dalam hutan. TAPI, in the end, I really love it, full of nature, and greens all around me. The vibes and the environment here make me feel it is not so bad after all hahaha. Very student friendly, and everyone literally needs to do a lot of walking to go anywhere. Boleh kurus beb. and to go to classes? memang jauh daripada inapan siswa, kena naik bas. And Sya dah reti ye nak berebut bas every day. Macam tin sardin. Therefore, I would go to class one hour early just to catch the bus supaya tak payah berebut and dapat duduk dekat kerusi. Also, I just realized that class Sya semua starts pukul 8.30 pagi! super morning but it's okay I love being a morning person.
Since semua student UUM diwajibkan duduk dalam uni, it is so heartwarming? pleasing? to see everyday petang-petang semua orang akan beriadah, dekat mana-mana ada students, jogging, bersukan, main basikal. That's the uni vibes that I just love to see, this community. Entah-entah Sya cerita ni semua, ada dikalangan pembaca blog sya ni alumni UUM pulak! hahahah. Please show yourself!! I guess so far that is an honest experience on the first look of Degree life in UUM. Doakan untuk Sya survive dan jumpa orang-orang yang baik di sini, mungkin jodoh jugak? siapa tahuu hahah. Eceh.
Thank you for reading until now,
I will come back here and share with you my #DegreeDiaries from time to time okay.
QOTD : Kalau korang merupakan Degree graduates, ada kata-kata nasihat untuk Sya yang baru nak mulakan life as a degree student? (it would mean a lot to me if you could give me advice about your studies journey!)
Take care,