
Degree life in Sintok #DegreeDiaries

1 year ago by Littlexme 27 comment
 Bismillah,Assalamualaikum my dear blogger friends. How are you? I am well and fine Alhamdulillah. As you guys know I have officially finished my diploma journey and became a diploma holder, something that I...

19 Under 19

2 years ago by Littlexme 10 comment
 Assalamualaikum semua!Its me Syasya! Happy New Year to everyone!!Last post was 6 months ago. That was so long that I didnt update anything here :(Busy dengan kehidupan hahah. Sya still tak percaya tahun...

Describe your personality

3 years ago by Littlexme 4 comment
 Assalamualaikum and hi ♡It's been so long since I stopped by and look at my  blog. I missed writing, how it used to be and now I  barely remember how to write properly,...

Ep 2: Imej Badan #GirlsTalk

3 years ago by Littlexme 5 comment
Assalamualaikum, hello!Untuk episod kedua, kita akan berbincang tentang imej badan! or body image.Imej badan bukan hanya sekadar cara kita melihat tubuh badan di depan cermin tetapi ia termasuk juga cara kita berfikir bagaimana...