Degree life in Sintok #DegreeDiaries

November 09, 2023



Assalamualaikum my dear blogger friends. How are you? I am well and fine Alhamdulillah. As you guys know I have officially finished my diploma journey and became a diploma holder, something that I still feel surreal until now, feeling so proud and blessed that I made this far. Fast forward 2 months after I ended my diploma studies, I managed to secure a place at UUM to continue my degree journey at the age of 20 years old! Alhamdulillah. It was my second choice in UPU. It is written for me to be studying here at the end haha. Now it's already the 4th week. I am still adapting to this new student life, it is way way more different. Sya rasa kecik sangat dan kerdil bila tengok semua orang, sebab masa diploma sya belajar kolej kecik je, tak ramai orang pun. I am scared. Bagi Sya, going to get this degree is like the "REAL" thing. macam rasa dah besar sangat, not saying diploma was easy and just not IT tapi vibes dia rasa beza sangat. rasa macam kalini sya memang kena study betul-betul, sebab after this, I will become an adult and start my working life sampai tua. That's what made me think that I just really need to do my best and create as many memories here. 

I want to be someone who is capable of doing everything and I want to grow so much as a person, to be the best version of myself.  But that's not happening now haha. It's true I think. Some people say that the degree journey is very lonely. I already feel that!! Sya rasa alone dekat sini, oh bukan tu je, Sintok Kedah ni dekat hujung dunia, sebelah Thailand dah. Cuba teka Sya orang mana? Selangor gais hahahah. nak balik pun kena fikir 2-3 kali dulu tarikhnya bila boleh balik. I've now adapted to life where I go to class alone, buy lunch alone, and do everything alone so far, sebab entahlah memang gerak solo. Kawan tu ada sikit-sikit and still have not found the ones that I can really vibe with, but Alhamdulillah, I have met really good people here, including my dear roommate! so far Sya rapat lah dengan rumet. I have a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to it. Living 6 hours away from family is not easy so I always videocall with them. Dah homesick ke belum? mestilah dah and I cried huuwaa. 

About this university that I'm currently studying at, I'm so amazed at all of the facilities they have, kalau korang dengar pasal UUM apa yang korang terdetik dulu? mestilah uni yang dekat hutan kan? and it is indeed so true. Sumpah hutan, serious dalam hutan. TAPI, in the end, I really love it, full of nature, and greens all around me. The vibes and the environment here make me feel it is not so bad after all hahaha. Very student friendly, and everyone literally needs to do a lot of walking to go anywhere. Boleh kurus beb. and to go to classes? memang jauh daripada inapan siswa, kena naik bas. And Sya dah reti ye nak berebut bas every day. Macam tin sardin. Therefore, I would go to class one hour early just to catch the bus supaya tak payah berebut and dapat duduk dekat kerusi. Also, I just realized that class Sya semua starts pukul 8.30 pagi! super morning but it's okay I love being a morning person. 

Since semua student UUM diwajibkan duduk dalam uni, it is so heartwarming? pleasing? to see everyday petang-petang semua orang akan beriadah, dekat mana-mana ada students, jogging, bersukan, main basikal. That's the uni vibes that I just love to see, this community. Entah-entah Sya cerita ni semua, ada dikalangan pembaca blog sya ni alumni UUM pulak! hahahah. Please show yourself!! I guess so far that is an honest experience on the first look of Degree life in UUM. Doakan untuk Sya survive dan jumpa orang-orang yang baik di sini, mungkin jodoh jugak? siapa tahuu hahah. Eceh.

Thank you for reading until now,

I will come back here and share with you my #DegreeDiaries from time to time okay.

QOTD : Kalau korang merupakan Degree graduates, ada kata-kata nasihat untuk Sya yang baru nak mulakan life as a degree student? (it would mean a lot to me if you could give me advice about your studies journey!)

Take care,



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  1. Waa bestnya! Nisha dulu diploma dkt UiTM Merbok. Situ pun macam banyak hutan jugak. XD Best kan Sya bila stay kolej? Petang or pagi boleh pi beriadah. Sem 3 mcm tu baru nisha stay rmh sewa sebab tak cukup merit HAHAHA. Tapi best jugak sbb dkt dgn pasar malam XD Dulu pernah buat program persatuan & student UUM mai dtg support. Dorang memang supporting habis hahaha. Takda rezeki nak pi UUM lagi, dorang ada je suruh kami dtg ke UUM huhu.

    Untuk degree nisha dpt sambung ke UiTM Puncak Perdana. 3 sem nisha ODL, last sem tu baru masuk kampus & alhamdulilah stay kolej. Betul, degree ni lain mcm dia punya vibes tu huhu.

    Nasihat nisha:
    - buat sehabis baik sbb dah degree ni mmg lecturer akan letak expectation tinggi. kena rajinkan diri untuk buat extra work untuk dpt markah excellent hehe (assignment/task). Boleh search contoh task/assignment dkt google nk tgk rupa tu mcm mana.
    - enjoy the journey. jgn stress sgt okiee. yg penting kena pandai bahagikan masa untuk study & hang out. rasa exhausted, rehat terus. reward diri. pusing2 tepi tasik ke ha gituu.
    -lama2 nanti, awak dh kena tahu member mana yg rajin/ok untuk awak masukkan dlm group assignment. kang sampai kesudah bergaduh huhu.
    - kalau jumpa yg jenis toxic tu awak abaikan je dorang tu. Jangan engage sbb lagi awak engage lagi dorang suka sbb dpt attention untuk mereka berdrama.
    - bila dah hujung2 sem tu nnti, if anything happen between classmates or coursemates, just chill sbb kita nak habiskan degree dgn happy memories gituww.

    for now tu je kot. Apa2pun, all the best ya Sya study! Semoga sentiasa dapat keputusan cemerlang aamiin <3

    Anyway jemputlah singgah baca entri terbaru nisha psl pengalaman LI & viva. Boleh juga baca pengalaman study nisha ambil dip & degree dlm library management ^^

    1. wahh uitm melaka! sya tahu yg uitm lendu tu jee hehe, so far sya suka duduk kolej ni sebab macam-macam ada! hehe, betul boleh pergi riadah bila-bilaa,main basikal pun boleh dekat sini! alaa macamtu kak nisha kena datangla juga uum ni nanti heheh jumpa sya ke!! sangat-sangat dialukan hahahah..

      awwh banyaknyaaa advices nisha!! sya hargai sangat..wah kenapa macam banyak pasla friendship ni huwaa takutla pulaa, sya time diploma pun banyak drama sya harap degree ni sya jumpa orang baik2 je huhu..Thank youuuu so much nisha <3

      okay satgi sya bacaaa semuaa blog nisha! uwah bestnyaaa belajar library management! sya dahla suka membaca, that course suits me laa..sya tersalah amek kos ni hahah

  2. wahh i am genuinely so so proud of you! best of luck in achieving your dreams! my uni pun more to nature vibes. quite stressful at first but alhamdulillah i finally can adapt it lol. i cant wait to read more about your journey there!

    1. Thank youuu so much zaty <3 so happy that you're still here!! what uni are you in!! yeay if theres something interesting happening then i will definitely write here hahaha

  3. Wah.. bangga dengan awak.. Semoga urusan pembelajaran awak dipermudahkan Allah.. Aamiin..

  4. Congratulations on reaching this journey so far! I loved my time as undergrad student dekat UTM dulu, that was the time when I discovered life as an 'adult' yang takde mak ayah pantau setiap masa, but at the back of my mind i always reminded myself that I was there carrying their trust that I will do my best in my studies and not to disappoint them.

    Akak punya advice as someone who had 'been there done that' - get involved in extracurricular activities that is aligned with your interest. Macam akak dulu, akak join english debate club. From joining the club, I got a lot of experience beyond life in UTM - dapat visit other Malaysian universities for debate tournaments, then UTM hantar join tournament dekat luar negara di Singapore, Bangkok, Australia dan South Africa. Bukan setakat dapat travel, dapat jumpa kawan2 baru dari dalam & luar negara. Every time cerita benda ni masa interview kerja, memang kebanyakan company impressed dgn experience mcm ni.

    But above all, always jaga solat dan jaga maruah tak kira dekat mana2 pun. Sebab ramai jugak even during my time dulu pun, bila first time got a taste of independence terus terikut2 dgn kawan2 bukak tudung, pergi dating, pergi clubbing. Kalau kita jaga solat, every time ada kawan2 ajak buat benda2 yg tak bagus ni kita terus ingat Allah, terus ingat mak ayah. Insha Allah, UUM ok kot tak terdedah sangat dgn budaya2 macam ni.

    All the best and enjoy your undergrad years!

    1. Awwh..thank you so much for your kind words, i really really appreciate this :( you are such an inspirational person to look up to!! im soo amazed huwaaa. yess i want to be active in my degree years hehe so i'll try to join many programs that suits mee. so far sya okayla dekat uum, sini apa pun tak adaa wayang pun takde lagi hahaha apatah lagi club hahah i guess im safe for now!! aamiin insyaallah thank youuu for the genuine nasihat <3

  5. Hi syasya! Cuya lepasan degree kt UITM Bandaraya Melaka

    Sayangnya Cuya habiskan sebahagian besar masa Cuya untuk belajar online sebab terkena masa pkp... Sobsob...

    Namun begitu, Cuya sentiasa pastikan Cuya have fun dengan degree life. Nasihat Cuya, belajar sungguh-sungguh, main pon sungguh-sungguh! Hahaha Means nak belajar serious, nak have fun pon kene enjoy betul2.

    Participate diri dengan aktiviti universiti.. bersosial lah dengan orang lain, cari kawan baru, pengalaman baru. Bina identiti dan personaliti terbaik dalam diri kita.

    Tapi kena ingat, hidup ni tak semua orang suka kita. Kita tak wajib suka semua orang juga. Tapi kita wajib berbuat baik pada orang lain :)

    Btw, abg Cuya librarian UUM tau. Nama dia Hakiim. Kalau tanya dia ada adik nama Nasuha, hah Cuya la tu. Selamat mencari XD

    1. Cuyaaa, terima kasih bagi nasihat-nasihat ni..sya rasa deep sangat pasal hidup ni tak semua orang suka kita tu..insyaAllah sya cuba jadi yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri! i will try to have fun in degree as well!!

      wahhh hahaha tak sangka lah!! memang sya akan cari la lepasni librarian nama hakiim!! ahhaha pastu nanti sya tanya pasal cuya :D

  6. alhamdulillah... selamat menumpuh alam universiti a.k.a campus life...

    nasihat sy, carilah kawan / circle yg bkn shj baik utk study kite tp jg baik utk future kite.

    kwn/circle byk mempengaruhi hidup di usia 20an ni. kalau tersilap pilih, susah tu akan menimpa kite.

    jgn risau psl partner/cinta. ia pasti akan dtg. kalau dah ada jg laa batasan. insya allah yg baik2 pasti Allah kabulkan.

    selamat belajar. nnt kalau grad dgn anugerah dekan, jemput kami tau! kami dtg convo bw bunga besar🤭

    1. awwh kak anies! terima kasih untuk nasihat nii huwaaa, tulah sya pun rasa kena pilih kawan yang betul time degree ni! hahah sya harap ada la jodoh kat uni ni ahahah. Sya baru masuk mungkin grad tahun 2027 nanti ><

    2. janji sekufu
      tu plg penting

  7. 8:30 dah start kelas?
    Time tu uncle masih blur-blur lagi...... hehehehee

    1. hahahha haah kul 8.30!! awal sangat kan..mengantuk betul kadang nak bangun tuu

  8. wahhh teringat juga zaman degree kite. tapi Farahin sebelumnya budak matrik haha. you have the spirit girl. keep it and boleh grow it sampai grad. acah tak nampak je lah yang encourage awak ni pun bukannya dapat grad lol. anyway, you described the exact new degree life is. you're doing great, dear. moga semua urusan sepanjang study dipermudahkan and, LULUS haha. all the best! =D

    1. Thank youuuuuu!! huwaa kenapa sis tak dapat grad?? :(( did i? i guess its normal right to feel this way? im scared but life must go on...thank youu aamiin

  9. Enjoy your degree life. Zaman study memang best. Tip from me, carilah groupmate yang berguna hehehehe :P

    1. Thank youu!! hahahah ituu tips paling penting!!

  10. Atas titah Permaisuri Cuya, Kerajaan Kelapa menjemput tuan hamba untuk menyembah duli menyertai giveaway yang sedang berlangsung di blog Kerajaan Kelapa.

    Yang benar,
    Permaisuri Cuya.

    1. Alamakkk, macam dah terlepas jaa ni hahaha

  11. congrats shaaaa tp UUM tu mmg jauh sgt ke utara. lps ni sintok di hati tp viral thn lps UUM banjir kan?

    1. Thank youuu kak nina!! haah terpaling hujung nak masuk siam dah hahaha..yaaa banjir!! sya ada dah kat uum time tu hehehe

  12. Always complete your assignments on time! Hi, hello, nice to meet you! x

    1. aaahhah yes assingments!! tried my best to finish it on time!! hahahaha, thank youu for the tips <3 nice to meet you too!

  13. join persatuan & cari kenalan dari pelbagai course. seronok!
