
Being 18

September 16, 2021

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone,

it's me syasya..yes I missed my blog so much, I used to be so active back then but now I couldn't even start writing..im here because I just want to write updates about myself and my life, to keep it here. did you guys read one of my recent posts before this? there was this one comment that touched me which was kak @mijablur saying that she missed reading my blog..and asked to keep blogging..omg I don't know..there are people who remembered my blog?? huwaa I feel appreciated and touched haha..thank you for still stopping by here once in a while.

The titled haha, my birthday has passed dah, on July... but I just want to tell you everything that is going on right now..after my spm result..upu result came out, I managed to secure a place in UIA! I got my third choice which was asasi dalam perancangan pelancongan dan pengurusan hospitality. it was my target also to enter uia actually! and then I received another offer which was a diploma in marketing in another college. After having a lot of thoughts, I've decided to take the course that I think im really into so I decided to take marketing. and here I am, going into my 9 weeks of online distance learning haha.

MasyaAllah tak cayee dah masuk belajar diploma..no i wanna go back in school please huwaa.

I really hope I made the right choice. InsyaAllah. So far it has been alright for me, it's so weird to be friends with people online but you haven't even met them yet! haha. All day every day just sitting at home, building up fats in my body. ish3. Actually, I don't think I did anything fun or anything these days so there's not much about me... 

I've started reading books back because finally, I've got the time to relax and read haha but so far managed to finish my target 5/5 books for this year! well, it still progresses right? and now reading the seventh book hehe. 

Being 18, of course, it is the time where you will experience a new journey right? I mean like you're done with school, you're going into university life, like the next phase of your life I would say? and you have to be more independent? and mature? be more of an adult?  it scared me actually. oh my sooner im going back to college, I've never been apart from my family. 18 years I've been living with my parents and im very closed with them..maybe that's why..im scared at the same time im excited about what's coming for me... I also don't take driver's license yet aduh..my mom has scolded me because of sya tak daftar lagi pastu lockdown and so sampai sekarang lah...

you know right after school, you don't get to meet your friends anymore, and yes I realized you just stop talking to some people because everyone has their own life now, and own paths...kan masa dekat dekat sekolah setiap hari boleh tegur everyone now everyone is minding their own business...but I still contact with some of the closed ones..and get to know my friends' updates on social media is good enough for me... I hope everyone is doing well insyaAllah.

I was actually preparing to start a series on my blog and it's called #GirlsTalk where we discuss a lot of things, more to women empowerment, and I have managed to only finished 2 episodes before I suddenly stopped writing huwaa..I don't know if I should post it or not but I really want to share it. should I? 

I think that's all for now, I hope everyone is doing fine and take care of yourself. 

Here is a quote I found today on Twitter.

Be grateful that certain things didn't work out. Sometimes we don’t even know what we’re being protected from, or where we’re being guided to in the middle of chaos. That’s why it’s important to just have trust that bigger things are lining up for you. Let it go, and let it be. - @muslimthoughts1

ps: if you're reading my post, let's interact in the comments below :)


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  1. Being 18 is sure the whole new phase of our lives. Wish you luck! :D

  2. All the best for your study, Syasya. Hope more blog posts are coming soon. Probably about your journey in university.

    1. Awwh thank you kak Jannah!! you're the nicest <3 always leave comments on my posts :( hehe i will try my best to post more!! <3

  3. I look forward for that series! Looking interesting! We certainly need more people talking about such issues, especially the women community itself :)

    This might be late but happiest birthday to you!

    1. Awwh yeay glad i already have someone who wants to read it! T_T InsyaAllah i will proceed with it!! awwh thank you for the wish kak faten <3

  4. Omg you are 18 years old?
    Your writing is way matured and so interesting ❤
    Thanks for dropping comments in my previous entry..looking forward to your new writing 🥳💐

    1. Awwwh really? haha yes im 18 years old this year! thank youu <3 i never think that my writing seems matured hahaha. yeayy :D

  5. Thank youuuu <3 insyaAllah i will!!


  6. You’ll be fine, adik. Take care and all the best with diploma! X

  7. About friends having their own path... Yes I know it hurts a little to have diff path with them, but you'll get to used to it, sooner or later. You'll find your path, and new friends too!

    Best of luck for your future!

    1. its kinda sad huhu but life goes on! insyaAllah thank you so much <3
