whats good november?

November 03, 2017

Huh its already November!

I said this to my friends on the first day of November at school.

   "dah November dah, cepatnya. Next month, December then next year kita PT3" 

Time flies so fast. I wish i can stop the time and could turn back time to the good old days.
Frankly said, i'm very scared for next year, because of that freaking exam. Well I feel very pressured because all of my siblings got straights A's and now its my turn to do well too. Ceh ceh

So some of my final results are out. some of it are very good and some are very bad. But what makes me utterly happy is I got A for Science. To be honest, i've never get an A for Science since I entered High School ni hahahah (ithinkitsfunny) and Maths too. So bad at it. its KBAT. By the time I will take my SPM the KBAT level will be 100%  which will happen in 2020 fuhh. Anyway, so happy!

Other than that, I went to my braces appointment this week. It was okay, Now im fully wearing braces on top and lower teeth.  I changed the wire and get it tightened? I believe and I get to choose the rubber colour and guess what colour did I chose? Orange! just like my blog theme hehe.

What else? oh ya I made my first ever debit card. I have a BSN account since standard 4  then I decided to turn it ? make it? into a debit card!(i thought it is a credit card lol) Tapi entah bila nak gunanya. My dad taught me how to use that Bank machine. I feel like a grown up woman now. Sya dah boleh guna bank machine tu la nak keluarkan duit ke apa oh yeah haha. Kan kena letak PIN number. When the employee told me to create my own pin number I was like blank for 10 seconds, terdiam sampai she said that thing(tempat letak card ) tu ada timer hahaha seriously I was blank lol.

Till next time,
Happy November♡

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  1. welcome november. have a great month ahead my dear

  2. https://madey09.blogspot.my/2017/11/awal-november-jumlah-klik-954-711-telah.html
    follow blog anda ya

  3. How do you make credit card at your age? I'm so curious.

    1. eh eh sorry wrong info! i thought credit card (sebab dapat card haha tu) its debit card! now i know the difference between credit card and debit card hehe..

    2. I see. Now that makes sense sebab rasanya nak buat credit card dekat Malaysia macam susah.

    3. Heheh sorry for the misunderstanding. Well im still underage! :'D

  4. Syasya, do your best in the upcoming exam.. Im sure u can score the highest ☀️😉

  5. all the best for next year PT3.

  6. Good luck for future PT3 exam. May all ur dreams come true :)

  7. Hi syasya! Ganbatte untuk PT3 tahun depan. So sad, result matematik saya taklah cantik! T.T Kena usaha lebih gigih untuk dapat result yang baik dalam math nanti... Usaha dan doa dekat Allah banyak-banyak...:)

    1. Hii, thank uuu, ooh dah tahu result pt3 untuk matematik eh? Hm samalah sya kena study hard untuk math jugak sebab teruk huhuh. ❤

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Good luck for pt3! Feel free to read my new post :) http://littlebluei.blogspot.my/2017/11/meds.html

  10. Hiii, jangan hilang kad debit tu kayhh :)

  11. November dah....memang kejap je masa berlalu. Buat persediaan awal utk PT3 next year tau....good luck adik...

    1. tulah, sekejapnya masa berlalu..yup memang nak buat persediaan awal utk pt3 hehe.. thank you Cik Manggis! :D
