Hi, Assalamualaikum!♡
Masih di sini setia membaca blog saya?
Macam mana tahun 2019 ni buat semua orang so far?
Berjalan lancar?
Still figuring out things?
or not going well?
Nevertheless, I hope March will be a good month for everybody!!
Just finished my ujian penggal pertama at school.
For your information, Sya Tingkatan 4 this year!
Sya ditempatkan dalam aliran sastera which is Sya masuk kelas EKONOMI
Sya mula-mula nak tukar kelas masuk aliran Sains tulen (well sekolah Sya boleh je tukar kelas sebab students tak ramai, kena buat surat je)
Honestly, my Pt3 result wasn't that good ha ha. I mean theres As and Bs and a freaking C
but Alhamdulillah, it was better than my trial :) i was so disappointed with myself, I know I could do better than that. overall, my pencapaian last year was quite bad.
Sorry for letting everyone down, especially my parents. The past is past right? but I still can't move on.
Back to this year,
I was so stressed when thinking about it at first because i didn't expect to be in 4 Ekonomi, because I want to pursue my studies in perubatan. And all of my siblings were science stream students so I feel like u know, I wanna be in science stream too "no I need to change class, I want to be a doctor jhahfdgahj"
yeah, my first ambition was to be a doctor (typical)
so then I asked my parents, sisters, brother,
patut ke tukar? boleh ke hadap FIZIK, BIO, CHEM, ADDMATH, all those killer subjects?
My parents ok je but they're like "betul ke boleh buat? pecah otak belajar science, tengok macam Along last last masuk U bukan aliran sains pun, penat je belajar"
"Stay jela Ekonomi, lagi senang nak score SPM" said everyone in the family haha.
Another sister of mine : seriousla nak masuk kelas sains? results math pun #$#$# ni nak hadap Addmath lagi. lagilah advance!
Damn, saya terasa.
Brother : masuk jela mana-mana pon.
And there's me, still figuring out what I want in life. I asked my friend, she said
"Mesti ada sebab Allah masukkan kau dalam kelas Ekonomi, mesti ada hikmah"
- said someone who from science class turun masuk kelas ekonomi HAHAHA
I even asked my teachers opinion! and they said, its all about the effort to study, kalau orang tu malas memang takkan boleh score la Science...
And I still want to masuk science stream but at the same time after being in Ekonomi class for 2 weeks, I like it. the subjects, macam rasa okay je belajar, best.
Cuma kelas je tak suka, 35 students? sumpah bising macam dekat pasar!
so you know this feeling when you just can't choose...
At the end of the day, my mom told me to solat istikharah. and I did it for the first time!
Alhamdulillah somehow, my gerak hati feel its Ekonomi that suits me better. Serious Sya rasa lepas solat tu, macam tak ada fikir pasal Science dah. So i stayed here!
But apa cita-cita Sya selain doctor ni? ok dah boleh cancel doctor hahaha.
Im not telling yet!
Kalau semua tak tahu subjek elektif kelas Ekonomi sekolah Sya ialah :
1. Ekonomi
2. Perniagaan
3. Tasawwur Islam / Seni
Boleh pilih antara Tasawwur atau Seni.
Guess what did I choose?
Tasawwur of course. Memang taklah seni, lukis orang lidi pon buruk heh.
The best part is 12/35 je yang pilih Tasawwur, at least boleh la belajar dengan tenang! kalau tak sumpah chaos kelas.
And apparently, those subjects require lots of hafal because its all about facts!
So bila kerja nanti? apa pilihan pekerjaan yang boleh masuk?
hm my parents kata semua boleh kecuali medic la and tak boleh masuk matrikulasi...
Is it true guys?
Sebenarnya Sya nak cerita pasal benda lain yang berlaku tapi bila dah start menaip ni dia menyerong pulak so Sya cerita jela about form 4! hehe
Tak sangka, 1 year left in high school.
SPM coming soon.
Dua hari lepas, result SPM Batch 01 keluar, my brother is one of them
Alhamdulillah, he got straight As!!
It was recess time at school and decided to call him and asked!
I was so happy and proud of him. The whole family are !!
If you're reading this, congrats!
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gempak ah 11A'S siot |
From now on, my brother would be my role model! hahahahah omg I cannot,, camne dia pandai sangat? balik rumah time cuti tak pernah buka buku pon Lol.
Takpelah, setiap hari tengok slip dia untuk dapatkan motivation...
I feel so dumb compared to him.
Who's next in the family?
I hope I can make my family proud just like how he did!
doakan Sya supaya rajin belajar ya! huuuu
Alright, that is all from me :)
Siapa nak beli novel boleh check out my instagram page @Bookslvs
p/s :if my family is reading this, please dont talk about this post alright!
(they know i have a blog cuz im famous hahah kidding)
Till next time,